There are two things that you need to consider when developing a major gift strategy. The first is deciding on what level of gift you want to solicit in person, and the second is prioritizing the list of prospects from the screening process to ensure that there are enough prospects for each level of gifts needed.
What is the goal of your campaign? Once you have that in place, you can develop a gift chart that will demonstrate the number of gifts needed at each gift level and the corresponding number of prospects needed to obtain one gift at each level. As one moves down the gift chart, the ratio of prospects to gifts drops. Naturally, it becomes much easier to solicit at the lower gift levels.
This gift range chart allows you to ensure that you have an adequate number of prospects to reach your ultimate goal. Not ensuring an adequate base of prospects is the number one cause of campaign failure. You can take the information gained through the screening process to determine if the gift levels are realistic and if enough prospects are available at each gift range level.
For your free e-course on establishing a major gifts effort in a small fundraising shop, sign up here!
Your advice is spot on,developing the giving chat is vital in you major gift efforts and in your capital campaign efforts..
Gary L Bukowski CFRE
Your advice is spot on,developing the giving chart is vital in you major gift and your capital campaign efforts.
Gary L Bukowski CFRE