5 Tips for Converting Crowdfunders to Lifetime Donors
Starting a crowdfunding campaign is an easy, effective way to quickly raise funds for a specific project, but many nonprofits see a disconnect when attempting to keep crowdfunding donors engaged with their mission over the long term.

Here’s the Checklist You Need to Create a Communications Plan for your Nonprofit’s Next Fundraising Campaign!
No matter what type of fundraising campaign your organization is running, a well-developed communications plan will help to ensure your success. The goal of a communications plan is to assist your nonprofit in thinking more strategically and…

6 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Calendar Year-End Fundraising Revenues
Anyone who has been in the nonprofits for so long already knows that social media is here to stay for decades, if not longer. There have been no signs of decline in the use of social media over the past few months.
More often than not, nonprofit…

What Data Should You Leverage From Your Donation Form?
Nonprofit organizations have always fought to engage donors, optimize fundraising, and acquire increased support. However, now more than ever the struggle to raise these metrics has left many fundraising professionals drowning against the rising…

How to Cultivate Your Calendar Year-End Donors Before You Ask
The calendar has turned to October, the last and remaining quarter of the year. If we thought we had time to work on a Calendar Year-End appeal, that time is upon us.
Many groups still send out one direct mail appeal letter sometime in…

The top six steps to creating a new donor welcome series for you not-for-profit
You have new donors who have just given. These are the hardest donors to convert into second-time gifts.
The last thing you want to do is shower them with silence. But in most small not-for-profit organizations, that is exactly what we do.

4 Tips for Optimizing Your Facebook Fundraising Strategy
There’s no denying that Facebook fundraising is here to stay— after all, the platform has raised $2 billion and counting as of 2019 and some nonprofits have raised millions through this fundraising channel alone.
However, some nonprofits…

Top 7 reasons why you should still use the telephone as part of your fundraising program
The most overlooked fundraising strategy starts and ends with a dial tone.
An important strategy, telemarketing has taken backstage to direct mail, email, video, and text messaging.
Once considered the next best method of personal solicitation,…

Is your nonprofit organization relying on the fundraising quick fix?
Roger, we have a problem.
Revenue is down. What do we do? What steps can we take immediately to get us on track?
Let's see; here are some possible options.
Could we fire or lay off some staff and immediately reduce expenses?

How to solve any nonprofit organization’s fundraising challenges using a simple system
Things have been moving fast and furious lately.
Working long hours, late nights, and on weekends to keep up with all the nonprofit work.
This past weekend, my body revolted, and I had an appendix attack. I was immediately rushed in for…

Convert first-time nonprofit donors into repeat givers through Welcome Packs
Converting a first-time giver into a loyal donor is a process. New donors are the hardest to convert into second-givers. But we should make it our aim to convert them. As the saying goes, it is more costly to acquire a new donor than to keep…

How to Grow Online Donations for Your Nonprofit Organization
The global pandemic has thrust nonprofits into the digital world out of necessity. And, there is no end in sight or turning back.
So, why not make 2021 that year where you set goals to grow your online donations.
Here are some steps…