Is your nonprofit organization relying on the fundraising quick fix?
Roger, we have a problem.
Revenue is down. What do we do? What steps can we take immediately to get us on track?
Let's see; here are some possible options.
Could we fire or lay off some staff and immediately reduce expenses?

How to solve any nonprofit organization’s fundraising challenges using a simple system
Things have been moving fast and furious lately.
Working long hours, late nights, and on weekends to keep up with all the nonprofit work.
This past weekend, my body revolted, and I had an appendix attack. I was immediately rushed in for…

Asking the question of “why” when your nonprofit fundraising strategy tanks
Why did our last fundraising appeal "tank"? Why is our donor retention rate so low? Why are we not acquiring new donors?
The big question of "Why!"
In Peter Senge's book, The Fifth Disciple Fieldbook, Rick Ross points out, "We live in…

5 Easy Virtual Fundraisers that Boost Your Revenue
Online engagement is crucial for nonprofit organizations this year and beyond. The movement to host more virtual events and fundraise in the virtual space has been slowly picking up speed for years. With the COVID-19 pandemic, it has secured…

10 Engaging Online Courses Your Nonprofit Team Should Take
A guest post by Matt Hugg founder of Nonprofit.Courses
From a major university hospital with thousands of personnel to a grassroots community hotline, with one (underpaid) staff member and a cadre of volunteers, working at a nonprofit is…

The top twelve tips on successfully taking an in-person fundraising event virtual
One of the top questions asked these days are, “How do we take our gala event and make it virtual?”
Since COVID-19 has happened, there has been a deep desire to take events and make them all virtual.
I assert that it can be done. But,…

The greatest opportunity: a summons for more in our not-for-profits
The Pandemic has been a great global summons. A call. In the middle of the night to awake. To something new.
What are you talking about?
Yes, it has. I know, I know.
You are probably saying it has been a grand inconvenience, even a…

Fundraising After COVID 19
Yes, there will be life after COVID 19.
Of that, I can guarantee it. What I can't guarantee is what life will look like.
But, what I can guarantee is that life will look and feel different than it does today. Change is almost a constant…

How our fundraising expectations die a slow death to complacency
Just this week, I have spoken to two coaching clients about the stages of grieving after losing a job. Yes, there are actual stages of grieving that one must go through that follow Elizabeth Kubler Ross identified stages of grieving a death.…

How to reduce the frantic pace in your nonprofit fundraising workday
Just recently, I noticed as I was driving around that everyone seems to be frantic. Or, is it more frenetic? Folks weaving in and out, road rage, and overall cortisol on overload.
In comparison, I just spent three months in Australia. And,…

The top seven steps to creating special event sponsorships that sell
Before you can even solicit sponsors for your fundraising special events, you need to take several key steps first to best position your organization.
What most groups fail to do is evaluate their sponsor value proposition first and foremost,…

What one thing can make or break the success of YOUR organization?
The Board.
It can make or break your organization. If assembled and organized correctly, it can chart a successful future that prospers and preserves inspiration and creativity of its members and benefactors alike.
If not, well...insert…