Feel in control all the time, valued and appreciated by those who you work for and work with…and have a balanced life of your dreams never regretting a SINGLE moment.

Strategy and Career Coaching for Emerging and Advancing Fundraisers and Executive Directors

You want to find the right job and never again have to ask yourself, “Did I make a mistake?” or create a vision of your life where you never again have to feel frazzled, burnt out, overwhelmed, undervalued or just plain don’t even have time or energy for your family.

You’re ready to imagine the possibilities and make them happen…you just need to know what to focus on and how to get where you want to go.

I get it…and I got your back.

What you need is Possibility Coaching.

Why me?

I have been through the fire, sitting in exactly the same seat you are sitting in right at this very moment and have created a series of roadmaps to help you get where I am a ton quicker than I did doing it all by trial and error.

And, in addition to being on this journey first hand (I have walked in your shoes!!!):

    • I also have a Master of Arts degree in Fundraising and Philanthropy from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA.
    • I have an extensive fundraising background (like 25 years of direct mail, grant writing, individual gift work, and more!)
    • I am now living the life of my dreams working in the career of my own imagining splitting my time between the United States and sunny Australia (Yep, visualize it and it shall come to you too!!)
    • I have been running Development Consulting Solutions for over 6 years now and have helped countless nonprofit fundraisers move from dreading their job to creating their career.
    • I have been named a LinkedIn Top Voice in Philanthropy (2018) and one of the top 100 Charity Influence a by Analytica (2019)
    • I have coached nearly 100 clients to their fundraising success advancing in their created career path.
    • And, most importantly have helped people just like stop feeling overwhelmed, burnt-out frazzled, and undervalued in their work

I am telling you all this because I was just like you (wondering if I had made the right fundraising job choice YET AGAIN!!!!)). But, yet, I believed that there was much more to my daily existence than the fundraising grind. Not only have I started a thriving nonprofit consultancy business, but I have also created a life both personally and professionally that I envisioned nearly 3 years ago. I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk.

While other coaches talk on about how they can spiff up your resume or help you with your strengths (yes, we will do some of that too!!), don’t you actually want to work with someone who has so boldly visioned her life and then went out there and made it happen? I mean like…living in Australia? And, working in the US of A? Coaching people like you to do the very same – create a life boldly and then go out and make it happen.

Stop living on the sidelines…instead, jump into the waves!

Don’t you actually want to work with someone who has so boldly visioned her life and then went out there and made it happen?

Want an Ultimate Experience

Try a Signature Coaching Program

I take on a limited number of clients each month, and I love digging in deep and getting you focused and effective in your fundraising career. These signatures coaching experiences are intensives develop for you to get the career of your dreams, excel in your new position, shine as a board member, be the executive who can handle it all with ease. These proven step-by-step programs will get you to exactly where you want to be.

Create the career of your dreams:
Advancing in your fundraising career

3 Months

Accelerate your success:
Your first 90 days in your new fundraising position

3 Months

Getting focused:
How to be both an executive director and the fundraiser

3 Months

Your steps to success:
Career coaching for the performance professional

3 Months

Want a Customized Approach

Try a Signature Coaching Program

Customized possibility coaching experience

3, 6, 12 Months

Monthly strategy call

You are on the right track you just need someone to bounce ideas of to ensure you are focusing to get you fundraising career where you want it to go. These monthly coaching calls are a great fit if you already seeing success in your career and just need high-level mentoring each month to keep you a track for faster and effective growth.


  • 1-50 min coaching call each month
  • Email for quick decision support

Success Stories

Melody Daacon

“I worked with Robin closely when I served as Campaign Director for the Parks Foundation of Kalamazoo, a small non-profit which raises funds to revitalize our county parks. She kept me on track using a data-driven approach that exceeded all fundraising expectations. For example, she helped me organize our first end of year campaign and we raised 5x more than other campaigns in the past at our organization. One of the most valuable skills gained from Robin’s expertise was spearheading a segmented retention strategy for our donors. This proved to be a much-needed step towards sustainability of the organization. Robin’s ability to match my strength in managing authentic relationships with the needs of the organization was essential to moving our organization forward. I’m grateful to have her as a coach in my professional development.”

Caroline House

“Caroline House contracted the services of Robin Cabral to do a development audit. Caroline House helps immigrant women and children to learn English – the demand for our services was growing and our revenues were stagnant. Working closely with our staff, board, and volunteers, Robin was able to pinpoint the primary problems affecting our lack of financial growth. She gave us a feasible and workable three-year development plan. Robin helped create a “philanthropic environment” that has improved our entire organization. Robin continued to work with our development team to guide us through the most pressing projects. Her coaching has been invaluable – helping us to keep our eyes on the most important development activities needed to ensure our success. One of the first fundraising projects she helped us with, our spring appeal, helped us grow our revenues by 489%!  Thank you, Robin, for your professional expertise but most importantly your genuine passion and enthusiasm to support our ministry.”

Nathan Kongthum

“I learned of Robin from Development Consulting Solutions and through her social media posting. I started to follow her to get tips and best practices in fundraising. I would get insights and tidbits from reading her blogs and newsletters, then I started sharing her posts on my social media, and started asking Robin directly with questions pertaining to the projects and campaigns that I am working on.

Like most Development Departments, there is so much to do, not enough staff and little time to get it done. I needed someone to give me professional opinions, help with best practices, and someone I can trust. I started a monthly one-hour coaching session with Robin. Before each session, Robin sends me a set of questions that I need to answer and get them back to her. Our session would go over any questions I might have and any projects/campaigns that I am currently working on. My sessions with her are always productive. She will send the recap of our session back to me within 30 minutes. I consider Robin as a coach and a mentor.”

“You are just amazing with your coaching sessions. My CEO knows about our sessions, I don’t think we can be an expert in all areas in fundraising. But with your knowledge and experience, I can bounce ideas from you. You also kept me on tasks.”

Kim Maynard

“I have been fortunate enough to work with Robin as a coach for the past year. During that time she has been my strongest advocate, my go-to for all things fundraising and my sounding board for a variety of challenges. Robin’s coaching has given me the courage to take the necessary steps to begin moving towards all my career goals. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today without all her help, encouragement and faith.

Complimentary Book a Consultation

Ready to reinvigorate or reinvent your professional life? Let’s talk on a strictly confidential, no obligation basis. Just fill out the form below to apply for a confidential, complimentary POSSIBILITY Session. I’ll be in touch within 24 hours to set up the appointment.