Robin Cabral


Thursday, Oct 06, 2022

Developing a Fundraising Strategy

Does this sound like you?

– Don’t have the time to write all the endless grant proposals sitting in your inbox?

– Are you unsure if there are even funders who will give you a shot?

– Are you sick and tired of feeling rejected by funding sources?

– Can’t invest in full-time grant writing staff yet?

How do we get started?

Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022

Shifts in Foundation Giving

Golden nuggets as a result of the pandemic: Shifts in Foundation giving. What else have you noticed?

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022

How to Convert a Giver or One-time Donator to a Loyal Supporter

How many of you out there actually believe in treating your new donors differently? And what steps are you taking to make that conversion from a giver or one time donator to maybe a loyal supporter down the road? In this video, I am sharing with you some tips on how to convert a giver or one-time donator to a loyal supporter.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

How To Create the NEED Statement for Your Next Grant Proposal

I’ve been putting together a presentation on grant writing and, I’m actually doing a curriculum-based course. One of the things that I’ve been starting off with by having folks look at – defining the need. So, what is the need? Watch this video to find out more!

Tuesday, Apr 12, 2022

Importance of Good Data in Fundraising

The most important thing to me in fundraising is good data – watch this video for a quick tip on how important good data is in fundraising.

Tuesday, Dec 28, 2021

I’m a Matchmaker

“I am a Matchmaker!” What are you? ❤❤❤

Thursday, Dec 23, 2021

Push and Pull Estate Planning Fundraising

Push and pull, with all fundraising – particularly with planned giving or quest fundraising is absolutely essential. How many of you would even equate push and pull to fundraising? Watch this video as I give a quick tip about the push and pull content that you can use for your plan-giving programs!

Saturday, Dec 18, 2021

How to Determine the Identities of Our Donors

Research shows that identity-based fundraising and segmentation are the future of fundraising. So the question is, how do we begin to determine the identities of our donors? Watch this video as I give a quick tip about how you can determine the identities of your donors!

Sunday, Dec 12, 2021

How to Inspire Your Major Donors to Give More

So when you’re thinking about approaching major donors to inspire their giving, you have to basically have a case to support to bring to them, and so what is that case to support? Watch this video and find out more!

Monday, Nov 29, 2021

How to Use that “Pre-Start” Time to Your Advantage When Starting a New Nonprofit Job

A quick tip: Starting a new nonprofit job? How do you use that “pre-start” time to your advantage?

Sunday, Oct 10, 2021

How to Have an Engaged Board of Directors

Board self-assessments are so critical to having an engaged Board of Directors. Listen to this video and learn how you can get your FREE Board self-assessment form free!

Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021

Digital Strategies for Your Not-for-Profit Tool Box

What are the top 2 Digital Strategies that you must think about incorporating in your not-for-profit organization toolbox?

Sunday, Jul 25, 2021

Fundraising Tip: What happens if your appeal is not doing up to the budget

Fundraising tip: What happens if your appeal is not doing up to the budget…how should you handle it???

Monday, May 31, 2021

Direct Mail Appeal

Direct mail is NOT dead but what we are seeing is donors are down and the average gift is up. However, costs continue to escalate. Listen here to learn about what you should be keeping your eye on to have long-term results!

Saturday, Mar 20, 2021

Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Metrics

Join me as I share with you some key metrics you should be setting and evaluating against in your Peer-to-Peer fundraising.

Listen to find out what are the key metrics you should be measuring. These are the exact metrics that I am sharing with all of coaching clients.

Friday, Feb 19, 2021

What is Skilled Volunteering and How Can Your Nonprofit Benefit?

Skilled volunteering has taken on greater importance during the pandemic as a way for those with certain expertise to give back virtually. Has your organization used a skilled volunteering site or have you volunteered your expertise?

Saturday, Feb 13, 2021

Telemarketing and your fundraising

How telemarketing can be effectively used in your fundraising efforts.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Digital Lead Donor Acquisition

What is digital lead acquisition and how can you use it in your development program?

Friday, January 24, 2020

Top Five Capital Campaign Planning Steps.

In this micro-training, I share with you the essentials that you need in place for a successful capital campaign.

Monday, January 13, 2020

How to Create a Professional Development Plan for Your Fundraising Career Advancement.

Learn the steps needed to get where you ultimately want to be in your career.

Friday, January 10, 2020

How to Measure Your Calendar Year-End Effectiveness

In this video, I share tips on how to measure the effectiveness of your Calendar Year-End efforts and provide you with your next New Year steps.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How to Jumpstart Your Calendar Year-End Giving Efforts

Join me as I share with you what you should be focusing on for your calendar year-end campaign.

Listen to find out if you are on track and if not what you can do to get back on track. Or leave with some new and innovative ideas. These are the exact strategies that I am sharing with all of the coaching clients this month.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How to Stage Effective Donor Communications

In this video, I share with you my key “Aha” moments from a recent Fundraising Institute of Australia’s (FIA) seminar on Effective Donor Communications including using “AIDCA” as a method for staging your donor communications.

Tune in to hear what I learned and what exactly “AIDCA” is!

Friday, September 20, 2019

How You Can Start to Design Your Ideal Fundraising Career

I share with you a method that I use with all my coaching clients who are seeking career advancement. In this LIVE, I take you through an exercise that helps you to vet your next position not just based on salary and benefits alone.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How to Approach Your Major Donors During Your Calendar Year-End Campaign

In this video, I talk about the importance of including your major donors as part of your Calendar Year-End approach and how to best approach them. I will also be taking your questions as well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How to Follow-Up on Your Calendar Year-End Campaign

Join me as I shared the exact same tips with you that I do with my clients getting you ready for the best giving season yet!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Answering YOUR fundraising Questions

Have a burning fundraising project question? Don’t know what direction to take?

Watch this video as I answer specific fundraising questions and share how the differences in Case for Support documents, how to use targeted Facebook ads for donor acquisition, and how to develop your Board strategically without using the “Warm Body” approach.

Friday, Aug 23, 2019

How to Package Your Annual Operating Expenses into a Family of Funds

Ever wonder what to do with your operating costs? Ever wonder how you can get that overhead funded? Well, wonder no longer. I am going to share a strategy with you that I provide to all of my clients.

This video shows you “How-To” Package Your Annual Operating Expenses into a Family of Funds and how to get your organization’s overhead covered.

Wednesday, Aug 21, 2019

How To Use Capital Campaign Strategies to Super Charger Your Annual Fundraising Efforts

Have a lackluster Calendar Year-End Campaign that has remained stagnant? Not sure how to breathe new life into it? I will show you how Capital Campaign strategies can be used to supercharge your efforts.

In this LIVE, I show you “How-To” supercharge your calendar year-end fundraising efforts using capital campaign strategies.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Answering Your Fundraising Questions 

LIVE BACK with my MONTHLY Answering YOUR fundraising Questions. Take your lunch break with me!

July 18, 2019

How to effectively screen new prospective Board members.

Ever wonder why your Board members are not meeting your expectations? Is your Board attendance falling off? Do you have Board members who “yes” everything to death?

Well, conducting a well-crafted screening interview is how you can set expectations EVEN before your new prospective Board member comes on. Expectations start before you even invite that person to serve on your Board.

Are you conducting screening interviews for your prospective new Board members? Now is the time to start. It

July 9, 2019

How to Use a Development Audit to Create a Development Plan

What happens if you don’t assess where you currently are in your fundraising? Or seem to be doing the same ole thing over and over again? Are you on that “hamster wheel” of fundraising and don’t know how to get off?
In this LIVE video from Norwalk, CT I shared with you my “behind the scenes” how to’s on how I conduct an audit.

June 28, 2019

How to Effectively Recruit a Superstar Board of Directors.

Ever wonder how to identify and onboard the best nonprofit Board candidates? Have you relied too heavily on the “warm body” approach to Board recruitment? This video will show you how to effectively recruit an engaged Board of Directors in your organization.

June 20, 2019

Answering YOUR fundraising Questions.

Have a burning fundraising project question? Don’t know what direction to take? Watch this video as I answer specific fundraising questions and share how to create a framework for your upcoming Calendar Year-End Appeal.

June 9, 2019

How to Create a Multi-Tierd Fundraising Campaign that Aquires New Donors

Curious as to how to create multi-tiered fundraising campaigns that attract hundreds if not thousands of new donors? In this video, I show you How to Run a Multi-Tiered Fundraising Campaign!

June 1, 2019

How to Plan Your Capital Campaign Steps to Success

Your Capital Campaign Steps to Success. Are you in the planning stages of your first or next capital campaign or maybe even just contemplating one? Join me for this next LIVE session on the Capital Campaign Steps for Success that you must have in place before even starting your next campaign. Are you campaign ready?

May 30, 2019

Answering Your Fundraising Questions

Have a burning fundraising project question?

Don’t know what direction to take?

Join me each month, as I take each and every one of your questions on during my Facebook lives.

May 17, 2019

How toe Rate and Rank Your Donors for Maximum Effectiveness

In this live broadcast, I take you step-by-step through how to rate and rank your donors so that you spend your time on the 20% of the donors that can make 80% of the difference!

May 14, 2019

Development Consulting Solutions presents our annual Summer Sale. 50% Webinars and more discounted materials to get you ready for the Fall! Click the link to take advantage of these limited-time offers!

May 11, 2019

How to Create Possiblity in Your Fundraising Career

While traveling in Australia, Robin takes some time to ask this question and more. Get to meet Robin Cabral, Chief Fundraising Coach and Nonprofit Strategist of Development Consulting Solutions and help create possibilities together!